Gerrit Schoenmaker (Netherlands)
Studying Biology at the Free University in Amsterdam, Gerrit Schoenmaker
has specialized in Microbiology. After getting his master degree he did scientific
research for several years as a PhD student on membrane bound hydrogen generating enzyme systems in bacteria. After about 4 years of scientific work he changed his life style and took over his parent's dairy farm.
In the early 90's he became a dedicated OS/2 user as it was that time the only
possibility to run DOS software related to agriculture business in a multitasking environment. However the political, agriculture and physical climate in the Netherlands has changed and after 23 years of farming he decided to give his life a new turn.
After 1 year of employment at an IBM hardware reseller, he got a job as product manager for NetOp® Software at Mensys BV, a Dutch software reseller who is well known in the OS/2 world also, being the company behind the R & D of eComStation, the modern OEM version of IBM's OS/2. Working all day with eComStation and OS/2 might explain why Gerrit Schoenmaker became chairman of the Dutch OS/2 and eCS user as well.
Tuning eCS and using the WPS the way it was meant to be
Freitag 13:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Donnerstag 14:00 La Place Feestzaal -
Donnerstag 10:30 La Place Feestzaal