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Warpstock Europe 2011 - 6 to 8 May
The Warpstock Europe 2011 event was held from Friday, 6th to Sunday, 8th of May at the "La Place" Conferencing Centre in Haarlem, The Netherlands, and it was hosted and organized by the Dutch OS/2 & eCS user group, member of the Holland computer user association (HCC) in cooperation with Mensys BV.
For information about the location and the
agenda please see the related pages.
About Warpstock
Warpstock is an annual conference for the OS/2 and eComStation operating systems and related technology. It is dedicated to information, education, support, and exchange and addresses users, developers, and software vendors. To achieve these goals, the event offers seminars and workshops, exhibition areas, and room for personal exchange.
Warpstock conferences are held in different parts of the world. The originating Warpstock event is targeted at the users of the United States of America and Canada, while the Warpstock Europe event obviously is its European counterpart. Also, there is the
Warpstock Czech Repuplic, which is dedicated to the community within the Czech Republic and countries of Eastern Europe. If you are interested in previous events check out the
old Warpstock site.
Unterstützen Sie Warpstock Europa 2011!
13.02.2011 12:05Unterstützen Sie Warpstock Europa 2011 und verbreiten Sie die Neuigkeit, indem Sie eines der offiziellen Logos oder das Banner auf Ihrer Web-Site...
Dringende Empfehlung zu Unterkünften
13.03.2011 13:28An der Warpstock Europe 2011 Interessierten empfehlen wir dringend, ihre Unterkunft baldmöglichst zu buchen. Der 5. Mai ist der Nationale...
Themenvorschläge und Referenten gesucht
26.02.2011 06:00Zu welchen Themen würden Sie bei der diesjährigen Warpstock Europa gerne Vorträge hören? Nach dem Erfolg der Wunschlisten der vergangenen Jahre steht...