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Last update: 05/03/2011 08:50


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Support Warpstock Europe and spread the word by placing one of our official event logos or the banner on your web site. This is free, fast, and quite simple and in return you are added to the list of supporters below. The required files are available below on this page. Also, we have prepared the required XHTML code for convenient inclusion in your web site.

Supporting Web-Sites

The web sites listed below support this year's Warpstock Europe event by using one of its logos and/or the banner:

Official Logo and Banner Graphics

Select the image that fits your web site best. For instructions on how to add these logos to your web site please see below.

Available Images
150x89 pixel, 16M colourstiny_wse2011.png
200x120 pixel, 16M colourslogo_wse2011.png
1764x1056 pixel, 16M colorshires_wse2011.png

Incorporating the Graphics

To add a logo or banner to your web site, select the desired graphics file from the above list and note its filename. Then insert the following XHTML snippet into the desired location of your web sites source code and change xxxxx.png accordingly to the filename you noted before.

<!-- Warpstock Europe 2011 logo begin -->
<div id="wse">
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Logo of Warpstock Europe 2011" title="Supporting Warpstock Europe 2011" /><br />
Supporting Warpstock Europe 2011</a>
<!-- Warpstock Europe 2011 logo end -->

This will load the image from this web site automatically, so you do not have to care about any details. You can adjust the look via CSS.

If you would like to have more control, e.g., about the styles used, feel free to save a copy of the desired image to your own web site and adjust the code accordingly. You may even adjust the image itself up to a certain point. Please note the terms of use below.

After you have added such an image to your site, do not forget to drop us a note, so we can add you to the list of supporters.

Terms of Use

Unfortunately, we cannot spare you this:

By downloading one or more of the following files (referred to as "images") or using them either directly, implicit, or by referring to them, you confirm to have read and understood the following terms of use, disclaimers and agreements:

All images provided here are copyright 2011 by Gerrit Schoenmaker and They may be freely used for the sole purpose of linking to the and web sites and for online advertisement for Warpstock Europe. Any other use requires the written consent of the copyright owner. The copyright owner reserves the right to demand removal of the images should they be presented in an offensive context. The images may not be altered with the exception of proportional scaling to a size that fits the web site they are presented on and retains readability.