David Azarewicz (United States)

David is a hardware and software development engineer with a wide variety of experience with computers from dedicated process controllers to PCs to mainframes to supercomputers. His experience includes analog and digital hardware development, device drivers and applications.
Uniaud: Internals and history
vrijdag 16:15 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 11:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Joachim Benjamins (Netherlands)

eCS 3.0 plans and current status of driver development
vrijdag 10:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
donderdag 15:00 Haarlemmerhoutzaal -
eCS HelpDesk
vrijdag 13:15 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 13:15 La Place Feestzaal
Yuri Dario (Italy)

Yuri Dario started using OS/2 with 2.0 beta releases. He works as teacher and freelance software developer. He started porting unix software to OS/2 in late 90s on opensource projects like SANE, msql, mysql, and many others. He also worked on commercial software like BlueCAD, Opera, OpenOffice.org.
vrijdag 16:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
zaterdag 13:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Kees de Lezenne Coulander (Netherlands)

Following an academic education in aeronautical engineering, Kees worked at the Advanced Design Department of Fokker Aircraft for 25 years. He initially worked on aircraft design studies, but quickly drifted into programming where he developed various programs for aircraft and engine performance prediction which were extensively used during the development of...
Ada, OS/2 and aircraft development
donderdag 11:45 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 14:15 La Place Feestzaal
Eugene Gorbunoff (Russia)

Eugene Gorbunoff represents a group of developers and designers working for the OS/2 and eComStation community since 1997. Their company, eCo Software, is known as being a developer of complex OS components and popular applications, actively developping the user interface, OS structure, security, multimedia and internet connectivity components of...
New must-have applications for eCS users
vrijdag 14:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
donderdag 11:45 Haarlemmerhoutzaal -
eCS community perspectives: FAQ and answers
vrijdag 11:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
donderdag 14:00 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Bjoern Hennig (Germany)

Bjoern Hennig started with OS/2 2.11 in the early 90s. In his job he is focused on Assembly Language, C/C++, Java and Python on a number of hardware platforms, including PowerPC. His main occupation currently are Linux and Microcontrollers. He is a member of the 'OS/2 User Group Dresden' and was one of the organizers of Warpstock Europe 2005.
USB Experimental Board
zaterdag 16:45 La Place Feestzaal
Uwe Hinz (Germany)

Uwe Hinz is sinds 2004 een lid van de OS/2 User Group Dresden en werkt voor de Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW). Begonnen met Z80 computers in 1985 voor besturingsexperimenten in materiaal onderzoek, maakte hij zijn eerste stappen in DOS, programmeren in Assembler, QuickBasic en Pascal enkele jaren later. Vanaf 1993 tot aan 2000...
USB Experimental Board
zaterdag 16:45 La Place Feestzaal
Roderick Klein (Netherlands)

Roderick Klein werkt sinds 2001 bij Mensys, de Europese distributeur van eComStation. Hij begon met het gebruik van OS/2 toen Warp 3 Beta van IBM uitkwam. Werkend aan verdere verbetering van de IT infrastructuur van Mensys en het leveren van zowel interne ondersteuning als extern aan klanten, werkt hij ook aan de ontwikkeling van eComStation, geeft ondersteuning, doet onderzoek en werkt aan...
eCS 3.0 plans and current status of driver development
vrijdag 10:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
donderdag 15:00 Haarlemmerhoutzaal -
eCS HelpDesk
vrijdag 13:15 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 13:15 La Place Feestzaal -
donderdag 10:30 La Place Feestzaal -
zaterdag 15:15 La Place Feestzaal -
Q&A on WSE and eCS
Dmitriy Kuminov (Russia)

Dmitriy has been in the OS/2 world since 1995 when he started to use it as a server machine for the school network where he worked as a teacher. In 2004, with the assistance of netlabs.org, he was hired by a Norwegian company and ported the Qt graphical toolkit version 3 to OS/2. For almost five years afterwards he worked at InnoTek (and then at Sun) on the...
QT 4 / Java 6
vrijdag 11:15 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 14:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Steven Levine (United States)

Steven H. Levine has been active in the computing industry for almost forty years. He has held a variety of positions emphasizing custom product development and support in both engineering and commercial environments. Currently, he is President and Chief Technical Officer of Steven Levine and Associates, Inc. Steven became aware of OS/2 back in the 1.2 days when he...
The eCS development process - goals and strategies
vrijdag 14:15 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 10:15 La Place Feestzaal
Keith Merrington (Netherlands)

Keith Merrington zit al in IT vanaf dat de ponskaarten nog als invoer gebruikt werden en computers gemaakt werden van losse componeten. Hij heeft voor verschillende computerfabrikanten gewerkt, waaronder> ICL English Electric, Philips Office Computer Systems en Philips Microprocessers, zowel aan de commerciële als technische kant. Hij heeft zijn eerste computer gebouwd door het handmatig...
Synchronisation pitfalls
donderdag 10:45 La Place Feestzaal
vrijdag 15:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal -
When WYI is not WYG (When What You Input is not What You Get)
zaterdag 10:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
donderdag 16:00 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Ben Rietbroek (Netherlands)

Bens first acquaintance with OS/2 was the version v1.1 EE. At that time, he did his evening-school database assignments with OS/2'a DB-Manager because it generated the SQL that satisfied his teachers. His areas of interest range from assembler and C/C++ to XML and web-related technologies like JavaScript and Ajax. He has been away for some time wondering...
Managing operating systems with AiR-BOOT
vrijdag 15:15 La Place Feestzaal
donderdag 16:00 La Place Feestzaal
David Saville (United Kingdom)

Dave is al veel langer met computers bezig dan hij wil weten. Net als veel OS/2 gebruikers is hij begonnen op IBM Mainframes, alwaar hij gedurende jaren een MVS Systeemprogrammeur is geweest, was het ook MVS waar hij in aanraking kwam met REXX. Hij 'spreekt' Fortran, BAL (IBM Assembler), REXX, C, Perl en verschillende *nix shell scripts en heeft een behoorlijke kennis van diverse andere talen....
So you want to run your own servers on ECS?
zaterdag 11:15 La Place Feestzaal
donderdag 10:45 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Silvan Scherrer (Switzerland)

Silvan Scherrer started using OS/2 with Warp 3 releases. He works as chief technical officer at AROA Informatik AG. At early 2008 he started to port software to OS/2 on opensource projects like Samba, Lucide, Smplayer, QBittorrent and many others. He also works as projectmanager for Qt 4 port, OpenJDK6 and some smaller projects.
QT 4 / Java 6
vrijdag 11:15 La Place Feestzaal
zaterdag 14:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
Gerrit Schoenmaker (Netherlands)

Studying Biology at the Free University in Amsterdam, Gerrit Schoenmakerhas specialized in Microbiology. After getting his master degree he did scientificresearch for several years as a PhD student on membrane bound hydrogen generating enzyme systems in bacteria. After about 4 years of scientific work he changed his life style and took over his parent's dairy farm. In the early 90's he became a...
Tuning eCS and using the WPS the way it was meant to be
vrijdag 13:15 Haarlemmerhoutzaal
donderdag 14:00 La Place Feestzaal -
donderdag 10:30 La Place Feestzaal
Alex Taylor (Canada)

Alex Taylor has been involved with eComStation development and support for over ten years. Besides assorted OS/2 programming, his particular interests include networking, interface design, fonts and software internationalization. He currently lives and works in Japan.
eCups: Next Generation Printing Support for OS/2
donderdag 15:00 La Place Feestzaal
vrijdag 10:15 La Place Feestzaal